Namaskar /ˌnʌmʌsˈkɑː/
noun. a traditional Indian greeting or gesture of respect

I am pursuing a Masters in Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, with focus in high-efficiency net-zero design, economics of housing, and real-estate. The built form fascinates me. I believe that architecture is inseparable from history. It is in history that I find solace, and it is poetry that I seek for in everything else. I strive to be a designer that helps create memorable, sustainable places for people and help them find their own meaning of beauty.

I am from Ahmedabad, a lovely city in India packed with architectural diversity and a uniquely colourful history. My cultural identity is the anchor-point of my personality, for the ideas that I have and the ways in which I perceive the world come from an inherent understanding of my heritage.

I have a love-affair with cooking. Sometimes I code and very, very rarely, I try to write poetry.

You can reach me at: maitreybprajapati (at) gmail (dot) com
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